Jandakot Road Duplication
Location: Jandakot WA
Client: The City of Cockburn
Project Value: $8.5M
Project Start Date: 2 August 2021
Project Completion Date: 4 May 2022
Jandakot Road is located within Jandakot, City of Cockburn extending between Berrigan Drive at the north-west and Warton Road at the south-east. Ultimately, the City’s intention is to upgrade the full extent of Jandakot Road from a 2-lane undivided rural carriageway to a dual-lane (each way) divided urban carriageway cross-section in order to accommodate increased traffic volumes and improve road-user safety.
Scope of work:
Tracc civil has been appointed as the main contractor for the Jandakot road duplication starting from Berrigan drive to Solomon road ending with new roundabout construction. The scope for this project includes clearing, topsoil stripping, cut to fill excavation, area filling and compaction, retaining walls and fencing, installation of services and road pavement construction.
Project Challenges:
Construction of new road adjacent to live traffic.
Management and addressing complaints
Managing residents complaints with generated dust and vibration.
Finishing Solomon Road roundabout south side with 28days road closure.
Laying 900mm dia. Drainage pipes under the road median island while live traffic running both sides.
3m cut earthworks using 50t excavator to construct the westbound lane and disposing excess sand with semi trucks.
Managing to continue roadworks avoiding clash with overhead power poles.
Coordinating with utility providers to avoid clashes with their services and works.
Arranging materials and resources with the high market demand and lower supply.
Challenge Management:
Developed a Traffic Management Plan with third party traffic management company foreseeing future clashes with live traffic and the stages of works.
Arranged a dilapidation survey prior to commencement of works. Monitored vibration and dust and minimised generation by sparying water frequently and stabilising with dustex/ hydromulch.
Planned and arranged all resources required prior to road closure and working on weekends to ensure on-time project delivery.
Prepared temporary paths to move traffic and continue works to prevent delays. Utilised traffic controllers to move trucks safely with the adjacent live traffic.
Forecasted future works and arranged utility providers in advance to lay or relocate their services to mitigate the delays.
Proactively acquired materials earlier for future stages and stockpiling extra material in the compound to ensure all required materials are available to maximise efficiency.