Jandakot Airport Precinct 6
Location: Jandakot, WA
Project Start: 24 October 2016
Project Finish: 6 June 2017
Project Value: $ 5m
Client: Jandakot Airport Holdings Pty Ltd
The contract included the infrastructure associated with the sub-divisional development of Precinct 6 in three separable portions. This included the creation of 16 lots and construction of 1.7km of a new single carriageway and a roundabouts within close proximity to the Jandakot Airport which is a major General Aviation Airport in Western Australia and one of the busiest airfields and largest aviation training bases in Australia. Tracc Civil complied with the Environmental requirements as set out in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999 as well as the Airports Act of 1996 and the Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations act of 1997.
Scope Stage SP1and SP2
Work included the tie-in with Pilatus Road, Tank Farm and Booster Pump Facility, drainage and service installations.
Roadworks include pavement, kerbs, medians, cycle lanes and tie-ins to existing internal roads and construction on minor access roads and crossovers.
Storm-water drainage includes reinforced concrete pipes, access pits, side entry pits, manholes, gullies as well as two new basin outlets.
Clearing & Earthworks
Stormwater drainage
Signs & line marking
Water reticulation pipeline works utilizing horizontal boring.
Water main extension
Telstra and private communications
Electrical services
Tank farm facility
Sewer pump station
Hydraulic services
Power reticulation and new street lighting.
Sewer reticulation, Allied Sewer Packaged Pump Station (incl. 12 maintenance period), sewer pressure main
JHA private communications
Rock pitching and headwall
Concrete pathways
Brick paving and fibre enriched concrete
Construction of Water Corporation Water Mains extension.
Project Challenges
Liaising with various service authorities (Telstra, Main Roads, Atco Gas) and road construction contractors for City of Cockburn was required.
Portion of work completed within airside
Dieback infested area
Acid Sulphate soil
Redesign of tank farm
Additional boring
Relocation of ingrounds
Managing These Challenges
Dieback – 1.5m deep capped layer has been placed over the dieback area
Strict adherence to safety and management plans
Effective and regular communication between all parties involved